I've been out working on the house for a couple of hours a day. The sun is now going down at 7:30 pm and that means I only have about 2 1/2 hours a day to work. What's worse is that Daylight Savings time ends in about three weeks and I won't be able to work in the evenings at all. There is a chance of rain all this week and I don't mind telling you it makes me very nervous. I need to get the roof up and dried in as fast as possible. Friday, I learned that my Grandfather had passed away so, I took the day off and went out to work on the house to try take my mind off of what had happened. It helped a little. Tim came out and we leveled the house (this time for good). We leveled it with water and it is right on the money! Saturday, I went out alone and worked all day. I raised the rest of the walls and installed all the top plates. Later, Denise (my wife) arrived and cleaned up the entire site. It looks great! She also was a tremendous help to me in finishing the top plates. It was very hot and I was getting really tired by the time she arrived. When I was building houses full time, I always liked to have a super clean jobsite. Unfortunatley, what I liked and what I had were two different things. Denise has always made sure that whatever jobsite I was on was kept clean. It kinda spoiled me. Tonight, I went out (and with the help of Lee and Josh) put up about two thirds of the ceiling joists. We worked well past dark and thankfully there was a full moon. We also installed "strong backs" or "rat runs" to keep them strong and stout.
Looking from Kitchen into the Living Room.
Looking from Living Room into the Kitchen.
Looking from Living Room into the hall.
Looking into the Bathroom
High window in the bathroom so people can't see my sexy body!
Looking into front Bedroom from hall.
Looking back into the Hall from the front Bedroom.
Building Inspector........Or .........Mother In Law.
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